Thursday, July 3, 2008

Children's menu

A reader asked me for recipes to cook children's food so I have decided to add a new label "Children's menu" where I will post recipes which most children love. It will include local and western food and I hope you will enjoy cooking them for your precious darlings. I have not figured out how to put stars on the recipes to indicate the relevant age groups so if anyone knows how to do this please teach me. We will start off with Baked Banana and Bacon roll.

Most of the recipes here are suitable for children above 1 year old although they may be filed under other labels. You should teach your children to eat everything as far as possible unless they have problems like allergies or food intolerance.

You should never give children cold drinks with their food. The stomach needs to be warm in order to digest the food and cold drinks will dampen the heat in the stomach making it difficult to digest and absorb the food. It is best to offer soup which has additional nutrients as well as being warm. If you do not have any soup and your child needs a drink with his/her meal, offer warm water instead.

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